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central bank

(Encyclopedia) central bank, financial institution designed to regulate and control the money supply of a nation, with the goal of fostering economic growth without inflation. Although central…

News of the Nation, 2007

News of the nation in 2007 from Iraq to the presidential election by Beth Rowen Related Links 2007 Year in Review 2007 People in the…

News of the Nation, 2008

News of the nation in 2008 from the financial crisis to the presidential election by Beth Rowen and Holly Miller Barack Obama Related Links 2008 Year in…

Agencies of the United Nations

Linked to the United Nations through special agreements, the separate, autonomous specialized agencies of the UN family set standards and guidelines, help formulate policies, provide technical…

1997 News of the Nation

Ongoing Investigations Sexual HarassmentPolitical InfightingAffirmative Action SetbacksWelfare Reform Political posturing and partisan nit-picking took center stage against a stable backdrop…

State, Country, and Nation

The criteria that define a country, an independent State, and a nation Related Links Countries of the World How Many Countries Country Territories Nation Country…

Least Corrupt Nations

According to the annual survey by the Berlin-based organization Transparency International, Denmark, Finland, and Sweden are perceived to be the world's least corrupt countries, and Somalia, North…

Most Corrupt Nations

Where people trust their governments the least According to the annual survey by the Berlin-based organization Transparency International, Somalia, North Korea, and Afghanistan are perceived to be…

2006 News of the Nation

—By Borgna Brunner (as of Sept. 28) Presidential Power and Terrorism In response to what he has called a “new kind of war,” President Bush has sought a significant expansion of executive powers…

1999 News of the Nation

Acquittal on High CrimesSocial Security versus Tax CutsJury Still Out on Gun ControlWhite House Wannabes Start EarlySuperpower Takes a Back Seat