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Brewer's: Rhodian Law

The earliest system of marine law known to history; compiled by the Rhodians about 900 B.C. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894RhoneRhodian Bully A B C D E…

Brewer's: Salic Law

The law so called is one chapter of the Salian code regarding succession to salic lands, which was limited to heirs male to the exclusion of females, chiefly because certain military…

Brewer's: Lydford Law

is, punish first and try afterwards. Lydford, in the county of Devon, was a fortified town, in which was an ancient castle, where were held the courts of the Duchy of Cornwall. Offenders…

Brewer's: Lynch Law

Mob-law, law administered by private persons. According to Webster, the word lynch refers to a Mr. James Lynch, a farmer, of Piedmont, in Virginia. The tale is that, as Piedmont, on the…

Brewer's: Poyning's Law

or Statute of Drog-heda (pron. Drohe-dah). An Act of Parliament made in Ireland in 1495 (10 Henry VII., chap. 22), declaring all general statutes hitherto made in England to be in force in…

Brewer's: Æmillian Law

Made by Æmilius Mamercus the prætor. It enjoined that the oldest priest should drive a nail every year into the capitol on the ides of September (September 5). Source: Dictionary of…

Brewer's: Agrarian Law

from the Latin ager (land), is a law for making land the common property of a nation, and not the particular property of individuals. In a modified form, it means a redistribution of land…

Brewer's: Blue Laws

(The). These were puritanical laws enacted in 1732, at New Haven, Connecticut, in the United States of America. Their object was to stamp out “heresy,” and enforce a strict observance of…

Brewer's: Mariotte's Law

At a given temperature, the volume of a gas is inversely as the pressure. So called from Ed. Mariotte, a Frenchman, who died 1684. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham…

Brewer's: Martian Laws

Laws compiled by Martia, wife of Guithelin, great-grandson of Mulmutius, who established in England the Mulmutian Laws. Alfred translated both these codes into Saxon-English. Guynteline…