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Our Top Stories for the Week of June 1, 2022

It's been a busy week, from discussions about the legality of assault rifles in the US to developments in the Ukraine-Russia War. Who has time to keep track of it all? That's why we've boiled it all…

Chinese Dynasties (table)

(Encyclopedia) Chinese Dynasties Dynasty Characteristics and History Hsia c.1994–c.1523 b.c. Semilegendary Emperor Yu built irrigation channels, reclaimed land. Bronze weapons, chariots,…

Pacific Ocean

(Encyclopedia) CE5 Pacific Ocean, largest and deepest ocean, c.70,000,000 sq mi (181,300,000 sq km), occupying about one third of the earth's surface; named by the explorer Ferdinand Magellan; the…

Timeline: Taiwan

Key events in Taiwanese history from World War II to the present   by John Gettings and Infoplease Staff 1945 1951 1971 1996…

Tourism by World Region, 2001

Tourism by World Region Worldwide tourism experienced a 0.6% decrease in 2001, which is somewhat less than what was feared after Sept. 11, 2001. The Americas suffered the most (6.0% decrease),…

January 2000 News and Events

WorldActing President Takes Charge of Kremlin (Jan. 3): In one of his first actions, Vladimir V. Putin dismisses Tatyana Dyachenko, daughter of former president Boris N. Yeltsin, and other…

October 1997 News and Events

1997 Month-By-MonthWorldU.S. Sends Carrier to Gulf (Oct. 3): The Nimitz is dispatched in a warning to Iran to halt air attacks on Iraq, a violation of the no-flight zone imposed at the end of…

Countries with the Highest Population Density

The Tightest-packed Countries on Earth Population density is a simple function of how many people, on average, live in a given area of a country. Density is a quick and reliable way of gauging how…

January 2008 Current Events

Here are the key news events of the month organized into three categories: World News, U.S. News, and Business, Society, and Science News. World | Nation | Business/Science/Society…