Columbia Encyclopedia

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(Encyclopedia)Apache əpăchˈē [key], Native North Americans of the Southwest composed of six culturally related groups. They speak a language that has various dialects and belongs to the Athabascan branch of the...

Smith, Goldwin

(Encyclopedia)Smith, Goldwin, 1823–1910, English educator, historian, and journalist. Educated at Oxford, he took a prominent part in executing reforms at the university and became (1858) professor of modern hist...

Antioch College

(Encyclopedia)Antioch College, at Yellow Springs, Ohio; coeducational; chartered 1852, opened 1853. Horace Mann, Antioch's first president, envisioned a program stressing the development not only of the intellect b...

University Heights

(Encyclopedia)University Heights, city (1990 pop. 14,790), Cuyahoga co., NE Ohio, a residential suburb E of Cleveland; inc. 1925. It is the seat of John Carroll Univ. ...

Schiff, Adam Bennett

(Encyclopedia) Schiff, Adam Bennett, 1960- , American politician, b. Framingham, Ma., Stanford Univ. (B.A., 1982), Harvard Law School (J.D., 1985). ...

Gallaudet University

(Encyclopedia)Gallaudet University, at Washington, D.C.; coeducational; with federal support. It was founded (1856) as the Kendall School, a training school for deaf and blind students, by Edward Miner Gallaudet (s...

Navajo, indigenous people of North America

(Encyclopedia)Navajo or Navaho both: näˈvəhō [key], Native North Americans whose language belongs to the Athabascan branch of the Nadene linguistic stock (see Native American languages). A migration from the No...

Greeley, Andrew Moran

(Encyclopedia)Greeley, Andrew Moran, 1928–2013, American Roman Catholic priest, sociologist, and author, b. Oak Park, Ill.; studied St. Mary of the Lake Seminary, Mundelein, Ill. (ordained 1954). He was (1954–6...

Bakke, Allan

(Encyclopedia)Bakke, Allan: see Regents of the University of California v. Bakke. ...

Bakke Case

(Encyclopedia)Bakke Case: see Regents of the University of California v. Bakke. ...

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