Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Richardson, Sir Ralph

(Encyclopedia)Richardson, Sir Ralph, 1902–83, English stage and film actor. Since his first professional stage appearance in The Merchant of Venice (1921), Richardson has played a variety of classic and modern ro...

Keats, Ezra Jack

(Encyclopedia)Keats, Ezra Jack, 1916–83, American author and illustrator of children's books, b. Brooklyn, N.Y., as Jacob Ezra Katz. During the Great Depression, he painted murals for the Works Progress Administr...

Reynolds, Sir Joshua

(Encyclopedia)Reynolds, Sir Joshua, 1723–92, English portrait painter, b. Devonshire. Long considered historically the most important of England's painters, by his learned example he raised the artist to a positi...


(Encyclopedia)Réjane rāzhänˈ [key], 1857–1920, stage name of Gabrielle Réju, French actress. After her first success, in Meilhac's Ma Camarade (1883), she grew in reputation as a comedienne. She appeared in ...

Pocono Mountains

(Encyclopedia)Pocono Mountains pōˈkənō [key], range of the Appalachian system, c.2,000 ft (610 m) high, NE Pa. Forested and having many lakes and streams, the Poconos are a major resort area. There are year-rou...

Seaver, Tom

(Encyclopedia)Seaver, Tom (George Thomas Seaver), 1944–2020, American baseball pitcher and sportscaster, b. Fresno, Calif. During his career (1967–86), he won a total of 311 games for the New York Mets, Cincinn...

Cole, Timothy

(Encyclopedia)Cole, Timothy, 1852–1931, American wood engraver, b. London. He came to the United States as a child. Cole learned his trade in Chicago and later moved to New York, where in 1873 he began his 40-yea...

Bing, Rudolf

(Encyclopedia)Bing, Rudolf ro͞oˈdŏlf bĭng [key], 1902–97, Austrian operatic manager. Naturalized a British subject in 1946, he was general manager of the Glyndebourne operatic festivals (1934–49) and artist...

Seventh-Day Baptists

(Encyclopedia)Seventh-Day Baptists, Protestant church holding the same doctrines as other Calvinistic Baptists but observing the seventh day of the week as the Sabbath. In the Reformation in England the observance ...

Rivera, Julio Adalberto

(Encyclopedia)Rivera, Julio Adalberto rēvāˈrä [key], 1921–73, president of El Salvador (1962–67). An army lieutenant colonel, he headed the junta that overthrew the leftist government in Jan., 1961. His ju...

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