Columbia Encyclopedia

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500 results found

Stephen, Sir James

(Encyclopedia)Stephen, Sir James, 1789–1859, British colonial administrator; father of Leslie and James Fitzjames Stephen. He served (1825–35) as permanent counsel to the colonial office and Board of Trade and ...

Knowles, James Sheridan

(Encyclopedia)Knowles, James Sheridan nōlz [key], 1784–1862, Anglo-Irish dramatist; cousin of Richard Brinsley Sheridan. Although he was one of the leading playwrights of his time, his works are seldom produced ...

Douglas, Archibald, 3d earl of Douglas

(Encyclopedia)Douglas, Archibald, 3d earl of Douglas, 1328?–1400?, Scottish nobleman; illegitimate son of Sir James de Douglas, lord of Douglas. In 1361 he became constable of Edinburgh and in 1364 and 1368 he wa...

Huneker, James Gibbons

(Encyclopedia)Huneker, James Gibbons hŭnˈĭkər [key], 1860–1921, American essayist and music critic, b. Philadelphia. The originality and pungency of his style and the soundness of his criticism made him one o...

Cozzens, James Gould

(Encyclopedia)Cozzens, James Gould kŭzˈənz [key], 1903–78, American novelist, b. Chicago. His novels usually concern upper-middle-class professional men who are faced with moral dilemmas that require compromis...

Dillard, James Hardy

(Encyclopedia)Dillard, James Hardy dĭlˈərd [key], 1856–1940, American educator, b. Nansemond co., Va., grad. Washington and Lee Univ., 1876. Professor (1891–1907) of Latin at Tulane, where he was also dean (...

Gillray, James

(Encyclopedia)Gillray, James gĭlˈrā [key], 1757–1815, English caricaturist and illustrator. He was essentially self-trained although he studied at the Royal Academy and on the Continent. His caricatures of the...

Folger, Charles James

(Encyclopedia)Folger, Charles James fōlˈjər [key], 1818–84, U.S. Secretary of the Treasury (1881–84), b. Nantucket, Mass. A lawyer of Geneva, N.Y., he held judicial posts and was (1861–69) a state senator....

Bolger, James

(Encyclopedia)Bolger, James bōlˈjər [key], 1935–, New Zealand political leader. A sheep rancher, he entered Parliament in 1972 as a member of the National party. In Robert Muldoon's government, he served as mi...

Aggrey, James Emman Kwegyir

(Encyclopedia)Aggrey, James Emman Kwegyir ĕmˈən kwĕgˈyĭr ăgˈrē [key], 1875–1927, African educator and missionary, b. Anamabu, Gold Coast (now Ghana). Educated at Livingstone College, he taught there for ...

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