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Columbus City, GA Economic Statistics

NumberPercentEMPLOYMENT STATUSPopulation 16 years and over141,767100.0In labor force90,39463.8Civilian labor force81,15157.2Employed75,47653.2Unemployed5,6754.0Percent of civilian labor force7.0(…

Columbus City, GA Housing Statistics

NumberPercentTotal housing units75,938100.0UNITS IN STRUCTURE1-unit, detached49,75165.51-unit, attached2,3433.12 units2,5873.43 or 4 units5,1786.85 to 9 units5,6657.510 to 19 units3,0534.020 or…

Columbus City, GA Social Statistics

NumberPercentSCHOOL ENROLLMENTPopulation 3 years and over enrolled in school50,838100.0Nursery school, preschool4,0908.0Kindergarten3,0846.1Elementary school (grades 1-8)22,44344.1High school (…

Panama City, FL Census Data

People QuickFactsPanama CityFloridaPopulation, 2003 estimate 37,08517,019,068Population, percent change, April 1, 2000 to July 1, 2003 1.7%6.5%Population, 2000 36,41715,982,378Population,…

Panama City, FL Demographic Statistics

NumberPercentTotal population36,417100.0SEX AND AGEMale17,68348.6Female18,73451.4Under 5 years2,2216.15 to 9 years2,3566.510 to 14 years2,3616.515 to 19 years2,3806.520 to 24 years2,5557.025 to…

Panama City, FL Economic Statistics

NumberPercentEMPLOYMENT STATUSPopulation 16 years and over28,986100.0In labor force16,35656.4Civilian labor force15,61053.9Employed14,70250.7Unemployed9083.1Percent of civilian labor force5.8(X…

Panama City, FL, Housing Statistics

NumberPercentTotal housing units16,524100.0UNITS IN STRUCTURE1-unit, detached10,30462.41-unit, attached8455.12 units7414.53 or 4 units1,1366.95 to 9 units1,5549.410 to 19 units4102.520 or more…

Panama City, FL Social Statistics

NumberPercentSCHOOL ENROLLMENTPopulation 3 years and over enrolled in school9,030100.0Nursery school, preschool6437.1Kindergarten4905.4Elementary school (grades 1-8)4,12945.7High school (grades…

Plant City, FL Census Data

People QuickFactsPlant CityFloridaPopulation, 2003 estimate 31,11717,019,068Population, percent change, April 1, 2000 to July 1, 2003 4.0%6.5%Population, 2000 29,91515,982,378Population,…

Plant City, FL Demographic Statistics

NumberPercentTotal population29,915100.0SEX AND AGEMale14,41248.2Female15,50351.8Under 5 years2,4878.35 to 9 years2,4928.310 to 14 years2,4298.115 to 19 years2,2187.420 to 24 years1,8456.225 to…