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Oklahoma City, Okla.

Mayor: Mick Cornett (to 2018)City Manager: James D. Couch2010 census population (rank): 579,999 (31); Male: 285,556 (49.2%); Female: 294,443 (50.8%); White: 363,646 (62.7%); Black: 87,354 (…

Words of Three Letters

Try the Find a Word: Crossword Search Adherent, ISTAgain, BISAge, ERAAntelope: African, GNU, KOBApricot: Japanese, UMEArticle (German), DAS, DEM, DEN, DER, DES, DIE, EIN (French), LES, UNE (…

July 2008 Current Events

Here are the key news events of the month organized into three categories: World News, U.S. News, and Business, Society, and Science News. World | Nation | Business/Science/Society U.S. Agrees to…

Hispanic Americans in the 113th Congress

A table of the Hispanic Americans currently serving in the 113th Congress. There are 30 Hispanics in the House of Representatives and three in the Senate. State House…

Hispanic Americans in the 114th Congress

A table of the Hispanic Americans currently serving in the 114th Congress. There are 34 Hispanics in the House of Representatives and 3 in the Senate. State House…

NFL Head Coaching Changes For 1999

As of March 1, 1999, nine new head coaches were in place for the start of the '99 regular season.AFCOld CoachWhy Left?New CoachHiredOld JobBaltimoreTed MarchibrodaFired (Dec. 28)Brian…

Denver, Colo.

Mayor: Michael B. Hancock (to July 2019) 2010 census population (rank): 600,158 (26); Male: 300,089 (50.5%); Female: 300,069…