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Brewer's: Sabeans

An ancient religious sect; so called from Sabi, son of Seth, who, with his father and brother Enoch, lies buried in the Pyramids. The Sabeans worshipped one God, but approached Him…

Brewer's: I.H.S

—i.e. the Greek IHSigma, meaning IH (Jesus), the long e (H) being mistaken for a capital H, and the dash perverted into a cross. The letters being thus obtained, St. Bernardine of Siena, in 1347, hit…

Women's Suffrage: Tennessee

by Carrie Chapman Catt and Nettie Rogers Shuler The Supreme Court SpeaksThe States That Did Not RatifyTennesseeWhen on June 2, 1920, the United States Supreme Court rendered that, to…

Brewer's: End of the World

(The). According to rabbinical mythology, the world is to last six thousand years. The reasons assigned are (1) because the name Jehova contains six letters; (2) because the Hebrew letter…

Brewer's: Roger

The cook in Chaucer's Canterbury Tales. “He cowde roste, sethe, broille, and frie. Make mortreux, and wel bake a pye;” but Herry Bailif, the host, said to him- Now telle on, Roger, and…

Enrico Fermi Award

The $100,000 award is given in recognition of scientific and technical achievement in atomic energy. Awarded by the president, it is the U.S. government's oldest science and technology award…

Other 2006 Winter Olympic Games Champions

BiathlonMen's 10-km sprint—Sven Fischer, GermanyMen's 12.5-km pursuit—Vincent Defrasne, FranceMen's 15-km mass start—Michael Greis, GermanyMen's 20-km individual—Michael Greis, GermanyMen's 4…