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(Encyclopedia) pittapittapĭtˈə [key], name used to refer to a genus (Pitta) of small, plump, brightly colored birds. The genus, including some twenty-three species, constitutes the whole of the…

sea urchin

(Encyclopedia) sea urchin, spherical-shaped echinoderm with movable spines covering the body. The body wall is a firm, globose shell, or test, made of fused skeletal plates and marked by regularly…


(Encyclopedia) slate, fine-grained rock formed when sedimentary rocks such as shale are metamorphosed by great pressure. Slate splits into perfectly cleaved, broad thin layers; this…


(Encyclopedia) lichenlichenlīˈkən [key], usually slow-growing organism of simple structure, composed of fungi (see Fungi) and photosynthetic green algae or cyanobacteria living together in a…

conglomerate, in geology

(Encyclopedia) conglomerate, in geology, sedimentary rock composed largely of pebbles or other rounded particles whose diameter is larger than 2 mm (.08 in.). Essentially a cemented gravel,…

boulder, in geology

(Encyclopedia) boulder, large rock fragment formed by detachment from its parent consolidated rock by weathering and erosion. In engineering and geology, especially in the United States, the term is…


(Encyclopedia) batholith, enormous mass of intrusive igneous rock, that is, rock made of once-molten material that has solidified below the earth's surface (see rock). Batholiths usually are granitic…

Red Skelton 1997 Deaths

Red SkeltonAge: 84comedian, actor America's clown prince won the hearts of generations, with his good-natured, sentimental patter, pratfalls and observant, hilarious characterizations. His…

Jheri Redding 1998 Deaths

Jheri Redding (Robert Redding)Age: 91 hair-care products guru who introduced the concept of pH-balance to shampoo. Died: March 15, 1998.Bebe RebozoR - ZEberhard F. M. Rees

Leon (Red) Romo Biography

Leon (Red) RomoAge: 78 athletic trainer at the Naval Academy from 1956-97; guided midshipmen like Roger Staubach and David Robinson; played running back at LSU in the 1940s; assistant and…