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Selected Essays in Black History: Reconstruction
Sojourner Truth, the Libyan Sibyl An Appeal to Congress for Impa... Reconstruction by Frederick Douglass The assembling of the Second Session of the Thirty-ninth Congress may very…Selected Essays in Black History: Signs of Progress Among the Negroes
Paths of Hope for the Negro The March of Progress Signs of Progress Among the Negroes by Booker T. Washington In addition to the problem of educating eight million negroes in our…Selected Essays in Black History: The March of Progress
Signs of Progress Among the Negroes The Freedmen's Bureau The March of Progress by Charles W. Chesnutt The colored people of Patesville had at length gained the object they had for…Selected Essays in Black History: The Freedmen's Bureau
The March of Progress Of the Training of Black Men The Freedmen's Bureau by W. E. Burghardt Du Bois The problem of the twentieth century is the problem of the color line; the…Selected Essays in Black History: The Fruits of Industrial Training
Of the Training of Black Men The Negro in the Regular Army The Fruits of Industrial Training by Booker T. Washington The political, educational, social, and economic evolution…Selected Essays in Black History<cite>by Oswald Garrison Villard</cite>
The Fruits of Industrial Training Baxter's Procrustes The Negro in the Regular Army by Oswald Garrison Villard When the Fifty-fourth Massachusetts Regiment stormed Fort Wagner July…Selected Essays in Black History: Baxter's Procrustes
The Negro in the Regular Army The Heart of the Race Problem Baxter's Procrustes by Charles W. Chesnutt Baxter's Procrustes is one of the publications of the Bodleian Club. The…Selected Essays in Black History<cite>by Quincy Ewing</cite>
Baxter's Procrustes Negro Suffrage in a Democracy The Heart of the Race Problem by Quincy Ewing "And, instead of going to the Congress of the United States and saying there is no…Selected Essays in Black History<cite>by Ray Stannard Baker</cite>
The Heart of the Race Problem Negro Suffrage in a Democracy by Ray Stannard Baker In this paper I endeavor to lay down the fundamental principles which should govern the Negro…Selected Essays in Black History<cite>by Frederick Douglas</cite>
Reconstruction The Negro Exodus An Appeal to Congress for Impartial Suffrage by Frederick Douglas A very limited statement of the argument for impartial suffrage, and for including…