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The Physician Is Sent For
The Physician Is Sent ForMedicusque VocaturMeditationJohn Donne IT is too little to call man a little world; except God, man is a diminutive to nothing. Man consists of more pieces, more…John Donne: Expostulation IV. Medicusque vocatur
ExpostulationJohn Donne I HAVE not the righteousness of Job, but I have the desire of Job: “I would speak to the Almighty, and I would reason with God.” [Job 13:3]My God, my God, how soon…John Donne: Prayer IV. Medicusque vocatur
PrayerJohn Donne O MOST mighty and most merciful God, who art so the God of health and strength, as that without thee all health is but the fuel, and all strength but the bellows of sin;…The Physician Comes
The Physician ComesSolus AdestMeditationJohn Donne AS sickness is the greatest misery, so the greatest misery of sickness is solitude; when the infectiousness of the disease deters them who…John Donne: Expostulation V. Solus adest
ExpostulationJohn Donne O GOD, my God, thy Son took it not ill at Martha's hands, that when he said unto her, “Thy brother Lazarus shall rise again,” [John 11:23] she expostulated it so far…John Donne: Prayer V. Solus adest
PrayerJohn Donne O ETERNAL and most gracious God, who calledst down fire from heaven upon the sinful cities but once, and openedst the earth to swallow the murmurers but once, and threwest…The Physician Is Afraid
The Physician Is AfraidMetuitMeditationJohn Donne I OBSERVE the physician with the same diligence as he the disease; I see he fears, and I fear with him; I overtake him, I overrun him, in his…John Donne: Expostulation VI. Metuit
ExpostulationJohn Donne MY God, my God, I find in thy book that fear is a stifling spirit, a spirit of suffocation; that “Ishbosheth could not speak, nor reply in his own defence to Abner,…John Donne: Prayer VI. Metuit
PrayerJohn Donne O MOST mighty God, and merciful God, the God of all true sorrow, and true joy too, of all fear, and of all hope too, as thou hast given me a repentance, not to be repented of…The physician desires to have others joined with him
The physician desires to have others joined with himSocios Sibi Jungier InstatMeditationJohn Donne THERE is more fear, therefore more cause. If the physician desire help, the burden grows…