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Brewer's: Bilge Water

Filthy drainings. The bilge is the lowest part of a ship, and, as the rain or sea-water which trickles down to this part is hard to get at, it is apt to become foul and very offensive.…

Brewer's: Conscious Water

The conscious water saw its God, and blushed (Nympha pudica Deum vidit, et erubuit). Crashaw's epigram on the miracle of Cana in Galilee. “The modest water” would be a closer rendering…

Brewer's: Dancing-water

(The), which beautifies ladies, makes them young again, and enriches them. It fell in a cascade in the Burning Forest, and could only be reached by an underground passage. Prince Chery…

Brewer's: Dead Water

The eddy-water closing in with the ship's stern, as she passes through the water. It shifts its place, but is like taking money from one pocket and putting it into another. Source:…

Brewer's: All waters

(I am for). I am a Jack of all trades, can turn my hand to anything, a good all-round man. Like a fish which can live in salt or fresh water. “I am for all waters.” Shakespeare: Twelfth…

Brewer's: Angel-water

a Spanish cosmetic, made of roses, trefoil, and lavender. Short for Angelica-water, because originally it was chiefly made of the plant Angelica. “Angel-water was the worst scent about her…

Water Supply of the World

The Antarctic Icecap is the largest supply of fresh water, representing nearly 2% of the world's total of fresh and salt water. As can be seen from the table below, the amount of water in our…

Brewer's: Running Water

No enchantment can subsist in a living stream; if, therefore, a person can interpose a brook betwixt himself and the witches, sprites, or goblins chasing him, he is in perfect safety.…

The Chemistry of Biology: Water

WaterThe Chemistry of BiologyIntroductionAtomic TheoryChemical Reactions: Ionic, Covalent, and Polar Covalent BondsWaterOrganic ChemistryCarbohydratesLipidsProteinsNucleic AcidsVitamins and Minerals…

America's Troubled Waters

Source: U.S. PIRG, Troubled Waters: An Analysis of Clean Water Act Compliance, 2007. Since 1972, the Clean Water Act has made significant strides in cleaning up U.S. waterways. Unfortunately, the…