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Brewer's: Larry Dugan's Eye-water

Blacking; so called from Larry Dugan, a noted shoeblack of Dublin, whose face was always smudged with his blacking. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer,…

Does sugar affect water freezing?

The Question: Does sugar affect the freezing of water? Why? The Answer: The presence of sugar (or salt, or any other dissolved substance in…

Hardly water(gate) under the bridge

The Question: I have researched literally hundreds of articles and cannot find the names of the seven senators on the Senate Watergate Committee. Can you…

Brewer's: Still Waters Run Deep

Silent and quiet conspirators or traitors are most dangerous; barking dogs never bite; the fox barks not when he would steal the lamb. Smooth runs the water where the brook is deep: And in…

Brewer's: Water Tasting like Wine

Pliny (ii. 103) tells us of a fountain in the Isle of Andros, in the temple of Bacchus, which every year, on January 5th, tasted like wine.…

Do Seeds Need Water to Grow?

Watch and learn how scientists use the scientific method to find answers. Do seeds need water to grow? To answer this question, students will make a hypothesis and conduct a science experiment…

Safe Drinking Water Reports and Hotline

The U.S. has some of the safest water supplies in the world, but drinking water quality varies from place to place. Every community water supplier must issue an annual report that is mailed to…

Maxine WATERS, Congress, CA (1938)

WATERS Maxine , a Representative from California; born Maxine (Moore) Carr, in St. Louis, St. Louis County, Mo., August 15, 1938; B.A., California State University, Los Angeles, Calif., 1970;…

John Milton - Paradise Lost: Book V

Book V Now Morn her rosie steps in th' Eastern Clime Advancing, sow'd the Earth with Orient Pearle, When ADAM wak't, so customd, for his sleep Was Aerie light, from pure digestion bred, And…

John Milton - Paradise Lost: Book VI

Book VI All night the dreadless Angel unpursu'd Through Heav'ns wide Champain held his way, till Morn, Wak't by the circling Hours, with rosie hand Unbarr'd the gates of Light. There is a…