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The bell rings out, and tells me in him, that I am dead
The bell rings out, and tells me in him, that I am deadAt Inde Mortuus Es, Sonitu Celeri, Pulsuque AgitatoMeditationJohn Donne THE bell rings out, the pulse thereof is changed; the tolling…John Donne: Expostulation XVIII. At inde mortuus es
ExpostulationJohn Donne MY God, my God, if expostulation be too bold a word, do thou mollify it with another; let it be wonder in myself, let it be but problem to others; but let me ask, why…John Donne: Prayer XVIII. At inde mortuus es
PrayerJohn Donne O ETERNAL and most gracious God, I have a new occasion of thanks, and a new occasion of prayer to thee from the ringing of this bell. Thou toldest me in the other voice that…At last the physicians, after a long and stormy voyage, see land: they have so good signs of the concoction of the disease, as that they may safely proceed to purge
At last the physicians, after a long and stormy voyage, see land: they have so good signs of the concoction of the disease, as that they may safely proceed to purgeOceano Tandem Emenso,…John Donne: Expostulation XIX. Oceano tandem emenso
ExpostulationJohn Donne MY God, my God, thou art a direct God, may I not say a literal God, a God that wouldst be understood literally and according to the plain sense of all that thou sayest…John Donne: Prayer XIX. Oceano tandem emenso
PrayerJohn Donne O ETERNAL and most gracious God, who though thou passedst over infinite millions of generations, before thou camest to a creation of this world, yet when thou beganst, didst…Upon these indications of digested matter, they proceed to purge
Upon these indications of digested matter, they proceed to purgeId AguntMeditationJohn Donne THOUGH counsel seem rather to consist of spiritual parts than action, yet action is the spirit and…John Donne: Expostulation XX. Id agunt.
ExpostulationJohn Donne MY God, my God, the God of order, but yet not of ambition, who assignest place to every one, but not contention for place, when shall it be thy pleasure to put an end…John Donne: Prayer XX. Id agunt.
PrayerJohn Donne O ETERNAL and most gracious God, who having married man and woman together, and made them one flesh, wouldst have them also to become one soul, so as that they might maintain…God prospers their practice, and He, by them, calls Lazarus out of his tomb, me out of my bed
God prospers their practice, and He, by them, calls Lazarus out of his tomb, me out of my bedAtque Annuit Ille, Qui, per Eos, Clamat, Linquas Jam, Lazare, LectumMeditationJohn Donne IF man…