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Brewer's: Tib and Tom

Tib is the ace of trumps, and Tom is the knave of trumps in the game of Gleek. “That gamester needs must overcome, That can play both Tib and Tom.” Randolph: Hermuphrodite, p. 640.…

Brewer's: Tonans

Delirium tonans. Loud talk, exaggeration, gasconade. Blackwood's Magazine (1869) introduced the expression in the following clause: “Irishmen are the victims of that terrible malady that…

Brewer's: Trulli

Female spirits noted for their kindness to men. (RandleHolms: Academy of Armory.) Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894TrumpTruepenny A B C D E F G H I J…

Brewer's: Tongues

The Italian is pleasant, but without sinews, as still fleeting water. The French - delicate, but like an overnice woman, scarce daring to open her lips for fear of marriage her countenance…

Brewer's: Trumpet

To trumpet one's good deeds. The allusion is to the Pharisaic sect called the Almsgivers, who had a trumpet sounded before them, ostensibly to summon the poor together, but in reality to…

Brewer's: Matadore

(3 syl.). In the game of Ombre, Spadille (the ace of spades), Manille (the seven of trumps), and Basto (the ace of clubs), are called “Matadores.” Now move to war her sable Matadore ...…

June 2020 Current Events: US News

Top of Page Science and Technology News | Disaster News | World News The world is a very busy place, and it's hard to stay on top of everything. Infoplease has got you covered. Here are the world…

July 2016: Hillary Clinton Makes History

World News | Disasters & Science News Here's a slideshow depicting the major U.S. news events of July 2016. 1. No Charges Filed for Hillary Clinton 2. Police…

Pyeongchang Preview

What to expect at the 2018 Winter Olympic Games Pyeongchang, South Korea is set to host the Winter Olympics Feb. 9–25, followed by the Paralympic Games from March 8–18. The North and South…

2016 Presidential Election Campaign

Election history and statistics, candidates, and party politics     Presidential Candidates Democratic Hillary Clinton Republican Donald Trump Vice Presidential…