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Brewer's: Iphigenia

Iphigeni'a Daughter of Agamemnon and Clytemnestra. Her father having offended Artemis (Diana) by killing her favourite stag, vowed to sacrifice to the angry goddess the most beautiful…

Brewer's: Katerfelto

A generic name for a quack or charlatan. Katerfelto was a celebrated quack or influenza doctor. He was a tall man, who dressed in a long black gown and square cap. In 1782 he exhibited in…

Brewer's: Iconoclasts

(Greek, “image breakers”). Reformers who rose in the eighth century, especially averse to the employment of pictures, statues, emblems, and all visible representations of sacred objects.…

Brewer's: Newton

(Sir Isaac) discovered the prismatic colours of light. (1642-1727.) Nature and Nature's laws lay hid in night, God said, `Let Newton be,' and all was light. Pope. The Newton of Harmony.…

Brewer's: Oghams

The alphabet in use among the ancient Irish and some other Celtic nations prior to the ninth century. “The oghams seem to have been merely tree-runes. The Irish regarded the oghams as a…

Brewer's: Ralph

or Ralpho. The squire of Hudibras. The model was Isaac Robinson, a zealous butcher in Moorfields, always contriving some queer art of church government. He represents the Independent party…

Brewer's: Tracts for the Times

Published at Oxford during the years 1833-1841, and hence called the Oxford Tracts. A. i.e. Rev. John Keble, M.A., author of the Christian Year, fellow of Oriel, and formerly Professor of…

Brewer's: Wench

(A) is the Anglo-Saxon word wencle, a child. It is now chiefly used derogatorily, and the word wenching is quite offensive. In the Midland…

Brewer's: Fraserian

One of the eighty-one celebrated literary characters of the 19th century published in Fraser's Magazine (1830-1838). Amongst them are Harrison Ainsworth, the countess of Blessington,…

Brewer's: Fustian Words

Isaac Taylor thinks this phrase means toper's words, and derives fustian from fuste, Old French for a cask, whence “fusty” (tasting of the cask). It may be so, but we have numerous phrases…