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Blaine County, MT Census Data

Montana Blaine County, Montana People QuickFactsBlaine CountyMontanaPopulation, 2005 estimate 6,629935,670Population, percent change, April 1, 2000 to July 1, 2005 -5.4%3.7%Population, 2000 7,…

Bozeman, MT Census Data

People QuickFactsBozemanMontanaPopulation, 2003 estimate 30,753917,621Population, percent change, April 1, 2000 to July 1, 2003 11.3%1.7%Population, 2000 27,509902,195Population, percent…

Bozeman, MT Demographic Statistics

NumberPercentTotal population27,509100.0SEX AND AGEMale14,48152.6Female13,02847.4Under 5 years1,3665.05 to 9 years1,1204.110 to 14 years1,1854.315 to 19 years3,18411.620 to 24 years6,62124.125…

Bozeman, MT Economic Statistics

NumberPercentEMPLOYMENT STATUSPopulation 16 years and over23,835100.0In labor force17,45573.2Civilian labor force17,44673.2Employed15,79666.3Unemployed1,6506.9Percent of civilian labor force9.5…

Bozeman, MT, Housing Statistics

NumberPercentTotal housing units11,644100.0UNITS IN STRUCTURE1-unit, detached4,93142.31-unit, attached9017.72 units9278.03 or 4 units1,86116.05 to 9 units9207.910 to 19 units5875.020 or more…

Bozeman, MT Social Statistics

NumberPercentSCHOOL ENROLLMENTPopulation 3 years and over enrolled in school12,186100.0Nursery school, preschool4003.3Kindergarten1921.6Elementary school (grades 1-8)2,01716.6High school (…

Broadwater County, MT Census Data

Montana Broadwater County, Montana People QuickFactsBroadwater CountyMontanaPopulation, 2005 estimate 4,517935,670Population, percent change, April 1, 2000 to July 1, 2005 3.0%3.7%Population,…

Butte-silver Bow (balance), MT Census Data

People QuickFactsButte-Silver BowMontanaPopulation, 2003 estimate 32,519917,621Population, percent change, April 1, 2000 to July 1, 2003 -4.1%1.7%Population, 2000 33,892902,195Population,…

Butte Silver Bow, MT Demographic Statistics

NumberPercentTotal population33,892100.0SEX AND AGEMale16,75549.4Female17,13750.6Under 5 years1,9475.75 to 9 years2,2506.610 to 14 years2,4077.115 to 19 years2,4517.220 to 24 years2,2316.625 to…

Butte Silver Bow, MT Economic Statistics

NumberPercentEMPLOYMENT STATUSPopulation 16 years and over26,810100.0In labor force16,58561.9Civilian labor force16,55361.7Employed15,43957.6Unemployed1,1144.2Percent of civilian labor force6.7…