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Brewer's: Bell Savage

or La Belle Sauvage = Pocahontas. According to one derivation it is a contraction of Isabelle Savage, who originally kept the inn. It is some-what remarkable that the sign of the inn was a…

Brewer's: Bell-wavering

Vacillating, swaying from side to side like a bell. A man whose mind jangles out of tune from delirium, drunkenness, or temporary insanity, is said to have his wits gone bell-wavering. “I…

Happy Birthday, Dr. Seuss!

(March 2, 1904-Sept. 24, 1991) By Borgna Brunner Related Links: Children's LiteratureAll-Time Bestselling Children's BooksMost recent Newbery Awards and complete list of earlier winners…

Brewer's: Kill

(A). The slaying of some animal, generally a bullock, tied up by hunters in a jungle, to allure to the spot and attract the attention of some wild beast (such as a lion, tiger, or panther…

Brewer's: Kit

(Anglo-Saxon, kette, a cist or box [of tools].) Hence that which contains the necessaries, tools, etc., of a workman. A soldier's kit. His outfit. The whole kit of them. The whole lot. (…

Brewer's: Kit's Coty House

on the road between Rochester and Maidstone, a well-known cromlech, is Katigern's or Kitigern's coty house—that is, the house or tomb of Kitigern, made of coits or huge flat stones. (See…

Brewer's: C

There is more than one poem written of which every word begins with C. For example: (1) One composed by HUEBALD in honour of Charles le Chauve. It is in Latin hexameters and runs to somewhat more…

Brewer's: Calamity

The beating down of standing corn by wind or storm. The word is derived from the Latin calamus (a stalk of corn). Hence, Cicero calls a storm Calamitosa tempestas (a corn-levelling…

Brewer's: Care Sunday

(the fifth Sunday in Lent). Professor Skeat tells us (Notes and Queries, Oct. 28th, 1893), that “care” means trouble, suffering; and that Care-Sunday means Passion-Sunday. In Old High…

Brewer's: Catacomb

A subterranean place for the burial of the dead. The Persians have a city they call Comb or Coom, full of mausoleums and the sepulchres of the Persian saints. (Greek, kata-kumbe, a hollow…