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Displaying 101 - 110

Brewer's: Alectorian Stone

(An). A stone said to be of talismanic power, found in the stomach of cocks. Those who possess it are strong, brave, and wealthy. Milo of Crotona owed his strength to this talisman. As a…

Brewer's: Angelical Stone

The speculum of Dr. Dee. He asserted that it was given him by the angels Raphael and Gabriel. It passed into the possession of the Earl of Peterborough, thence to Lady Betty Germaine, by…

Brewer's: Abraxas Stones

Abrax′as Stones with the word Abraxas engraved on them, and used as talismans. They were cut into symbolic forms combining a fowl's head, a serpent's body, and human limbs. (See Abracax…

Brewer's: Median Stone

(The). Said to cure blindness, and, if soaked in ewe's milk, to cure the gout. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894MedicineMedian Apples A B C D E F G H…

Brewer's: Philadelphia Stones

called Christian Bones. It is said that the walls of Philadelphia, in Turkey, were built of the bones of Christians killed in the Holy Wars. This idle tale has gained credit from the…

Brewer's: Moabite Stone

(The). Presented to the British Museum by the museum of the Louvre. It was discovered by the Rev. F. Klein at Dibhan in August, 1868, and is 3 feet 10 inches high, 2 feet broad, and 14 1/2…

Brewer's: Mora-stone

near Upsala, where the Swedes used anciently to elect their kings. Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894MoralMop A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q…

Brewer's: Panyer Stone

(The). A stone let into the wall of a house in Panyer Alley. It is a rude representation of a boy sitting on a pannier. (French, panier; Latin, panarium, a bread-basket.) The stone has the…

Brewer's: Jacob's Stone

The stone inclosed in the coronation chair of Great Britain, brought from Scone by Edward I., and said to be the stone on which the patriarch Jacob laid his head when he dreamt about the…

Brewer's: Japheth's Stone

According to tradition, Noah gave Japheth a stone which the Turks call giudëtasch and senkjedë. Whoever possesses this stone has the power of bringing rain from heaven at will. It was for…