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The True George Washington: Physique

PhysiqueContemporary DescriptionsWriting to his London tailor for clothes, in 1763, Washington directed him to "take measure of a gentleman who wares well-made cloaths of the following size:…

The Journals of Lewis & Clark: August 16, 1805

by Meriwether Lewis and William Clark August 15, 1805August 17, 1805August 16, 1805 Friday August 16th 1805. I sent Drewyer and Shields before this morning in order to kill some meat…

The Divine Comedy: Inferno: Canto XIII

Inferno: Canto XIIInferno: Canto XIVInferno: Canto XIII Not yet had Nessus reached the other side, When we had put ourselves within a wood, That was not marked by any path whatever.…

The Divine Comedy: Inferno: Canto XXII

Inferno: Canto XXIInferno: Canto XXIIIInferno: Canto XXII I have erewhile seen horsemen moving camp, Begin the storming, and their muster make, And sometimes starting off for their…

seal, in zoology

(Encyclopedia) seal, carnivorous aquatic mammal with front and hind feet modified as flippers, or fin-feet. The name seal is sometimes applied broadly to any of the fin-footed mammals, or pinnipeds,…