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David Kelly, 2003 News

British weapons inspector, committed suicide in July, shortly after testifying before the House of Commons Select Committee on Foreign Affairs about whether he been the source for a BBC…

David Spedding 2001 Deaths

David SpeddingAge: 58 spymaster, known as C, who headed Britain's Secret Intelligence Service (MI6) from 1994 to 1999. He specialized in Middle East issues and in 1984 helped to prevent an…

David Brock, 2001 News

former conservative journalist, admitted in June that when he was covering the Clarence Thomas confirmation hearings in 1991, he libeled Anita Hill in depicting her as “a little bit nutty…

David Kay, 2004 News

former chief weapons inspector, stepped down in January, after his Iraqi Survey Group, a 1,400-member team whose mission was to uncover Iraq's weapons of mass destruction, failed to find any…

David Levy Yulee Biography

David Levy YuleeU.S. Senator (D-Florida) Born: June 12, 1810Birthplace: St. Thomas, Virgin Islands David Levy Yulee was born on the Caribbean island of St. Thomas, went to school in Virginia…

Robert Graves: Goliath And David

Goliath And David(For D.C.T., Killed at Fricourt, March, 1916) Yet once an earlier David took Smooth pebbles from the brook: Out between the lines he went To that one-sided tournament, A…

David Letterman, 2002 News

late-night talk-show host, flirted with taking his Late Show from CBS to ABC. In attempting to lure Letterman to its network, ABC, which is owned by the Walt Disney Company, considered…

David Hawkins 2002 Deaths

David HawkinsAge: 88 philosopher of science and historian who was Robert Oppenheimer's assistant on the Manhattan Project and served as the project's official historian. At the University of…

David Duncan, 2002 News

former Arthur Andersen partner in charge of auditing Enron, pleaded guilty in April to obstruction of justice. He admitted to ordering the shredding of thousands of Enron-related documents…

David Riesman 2002 Deaths

David RiesmanAge: 92 sociologist whose 1950 book, The Lonely Crowd: A Study of the Changing American Character, became an unexpected and perennial bestseller. Died: Binghamton, N.Y., May 10,…