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Displaying 401 - 410

Brewer's: Cart before the Horse

To put the cart before the horse is to reverse the right order or allocation of things. French: “Mettre la charrette avant les boeufs.” Latin: “Currus bovem trahit Praepostere.” Greek…

Brewer's: Eagle-stones

or Aetites Yellow clay ironstones supposed to have sanative and magical virtues. They are so called because they are found in eagles' nests. Epiphanius says, “In the interior of Scythia…

Brewer's: Newcastle

(Northumberland) was once called Moncaster, from the monks who settled there in Anglo-Saxon times; it was called Newcastle from the castle built there by Robert, son of the Conqueror, in…

Brewer's: Port

meaning larboard or left side, is an abbreviation of porta il timone (carry the helm). Porting arms is carrying them on the left hand. “To heel to port” is to lean on the leftside (Saxon,…

Brewer's: Pari Passu

At the same time; in equal degrees; two or more schemes carried on at once and driven forward with equal energy, are said to be carried on pari passu, which is Latin for equal strides or…

Brewer's: Towers of Silence

Towers in Persia and India, some sixty feet in height, on the top of which Parsees place the dead to be eaten by vultures. The bones are picked clean in the course of a day, and are then…

Brewer's: Twelve

Each English archer carries twelve Scotchmen under his girdle. This was a common saying at one time, because the English were unerring archers, and each archer carried in his belt twelve…

Brewer's: Shells

on churches, tombstones, and used by pilgrims: (1) If dedicated to James the Greater, the scallop-shell is his recognised emblem. (See James.) If not, the allusion is to the vocation of…

Brewer's: Shirt

(See Nessus.) Shirt for ensign. When Sultan Saladin died, he commanded that no ceremony should be used but this: A priest was to carry his shirt on a lance, and say: “Saladin, the…

Brewer's: Evans

(Sir Hugh). A pedantic Welsh parson and schoolmaster of wondrous simplicity and shrewdness. (Shakespeare: Merry Wives of Windsor.) Evans (William). The giant porter of Charles I., who…