
Some books that have been influential on feminism and the women's movement. The Second Sex original French edition by Simone de Beauvoir Related Links Women's History Month Timeline: U.S. Women's Rights Movement Female Literary Figures Women Nobel Prize Winners for Literature   Betty Friedan's The Feminine… Read more
Popular novels about Native life and heritage by Native authors Ceremony by Leslie Marmon Related Links American Indian Heritage Month American Indian Quotes Notable American Indians Quiz   Check out our list of popular novels that portray American Indian life and heritage. There is something for everyone in… Read more
The Emmy Awards have evolved over the years to keep pace with the growth of the television industry. During the 1976–1977 season, the television academy split into two entities: the Academy of Television Arts and Sciences, which administers the prime-time awards, and the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences, which presents the daytime… Read more
May 8, 2013, marks the 50th anniversary of the U.S. release of James Bond's first film. By Jennie Wood Sean Connery as James Bond in Dr. No Related Links Top 100 Greatest Movies Movie Guide Film Museums and Archives Top Ten: Highest Earning Fictional Characters On May 8, 1963… Read more
The albums gracing the modern turntable The vinyl album surged back into popularity in the 2010s. Sociologists can dig into the reasons why, but there's certainly a heap of people longing for the halcyon days of physical media. We're only going to factor in vinyl sales since 2010, since tracking from before that will bring in a lot of technical… Read more
The World's Most Beloved Music In the modern day, streaming has become the most common way people experience music. Streaming services like Pandora, Spotify, and Tidal offer a level of convenience beyond the conventional album (although album sales are still a good indicator of public esteem). Find out which songs people are listening to the… Read more
The bands everyone wants to see In the modern streaming era, with physical media sales down in the pits, the concert tour is as important as ever. And, fans are more than happy to attend. The following table lists name of the tour, artist, years, and actual gross, not adjusted for inflation. Rank Artist Tour Name Gross (Not Adjusted… Read more
The World's Most Beloved Music Ever since humans mastered the art of recording music performances, albums have become incredibly important. Out of the concert hall and the broadcast studio, people are able to acquire music to their taste at their convenience. Find out which albums people have picked above the rest.  (Note: Certified music sales… Read more
The biggest broadcasts of all time There's a lot of TV, and the viewing public can have radically different taste and viewing habits. But, some broadcasts manage to occupy a massive share of the country's screens. For sake of interest, we've only listed the most-viewed Super Bowl figures. Super Bowls occupy 29 of the top 30 slots, and every… Read more
The 74th Annual Golden Globe Awards were presented January 8, 2017. Here are the television awards. Best Series—Drama: The Crown (Netflix) Best Actor in a Drama: Billy Bob Thornton, Goliath Best Actress in a Drama: Claire Foy, The Crown Best Series—Musical or Comedy: Atlanta (FX) Best Actor in a Comedy Series: Donald… Read more
Sometimes it seems as though true Hollywood romance lives only on the screen, with real-life relationships as fleeting as the roll of the credits. The flesh-and-blood couples pictured here have faced their share of ugly truths about life and each other, but still offer proof that there is such a thing as long-term commitment among… Read more
Catherine McNiff 1. Kirk Douglas and Anne Buydens 2. Bob and Ginny Newhart 3. Bill and Camille Cosby 4. Don and Barbara Rickles 5. Dolly Parton and Carl Dean 6. Christopher and Georgianne Walken 7. Susan Lucci and Helmut Huber 8. Regis and Joy Philbin 9. Sissy Spacek and Jack Fisk 10. Ron and Cheryl Howard Sissy Spacek and Jack Fisk 42 years… Read more
Catherine McNiff 1. Kirk Douglas and Anne Buydens 2. Bob and Ginny Newhart 3. Bill and Camille Cosby 4. Don and Barbara Rickles 5. Dolly Parton and Carl Dean 6. Christopher and Georgianne Walken 7. Susan Lucci and Helmut Huber 8. Regis and Joy Philbin 9. Sissy Spacek and Jack Fisk 10. Ron and Cheryl Howard… Read more
Catherine McNiff 1. Kirk Douglas and Anne Buydens 2. Bob and Ginny Newhart 3. Bill and Camille Cosby 4. Don and Barbara Rickles 5. Dolly Parton and Carl Dean 6. Christopher and Georgianne Walken 7. Susan Lucci and Helmut Huber 8. Regis and Joy Philbin 9. Sissy Spacek and Jack Fisk 10. Ron and Cheryl Howard… Read more
Catherine McNiff 1. Kirk Douglas and Anne Buydens 2. Bob and Ginny Newhart 3. Bill and Camille Cosby 4. Don and Barbara Rickles 5. Dolly Parton and Carl Dean 6. Christopher and Georgianne Walken 7. Susan Lucci and Helmut Huber 8. Regis and Joy Philbin 9. Sissy Spacek and Jack Fisk 10. Ron and Cheryl Howard… Read more
Catherine McNiff 1. Kirk Douglas and Anne Buydens 2. Bob and Ginny Newhart 3. Bill and Camille Cosby 4. Don and Barbara Rickles 5. Dolly Parton and Carl Dean 6. Christopher and Georgianne Walken 7. Susan Lucci and Helmut Huber 8. Regis and Joy Philbin 9. Sissy Spacek and Jack Fisk 10. Ron and Cheryl Howard… Read more
Catherine McNiff 1. Kirk Douglas and Anne Buydens 2. Bob and Ginny Newhart 3. Bill and Camille Cosby 4. Don and Barbara Rickles 5. Dolly Parton and Carl Dean 6. Christopher and Georgianne Walken 7. Susan Lucci and Helmut Huber 8. Regis and Joy Philbin 9. Sissy Spacek and Jack Fisk 10. Ron and Cheryl Howard… Read more
Catherine McNiff 1. Kirk Douglas and Anne Buydens 2. Bob and Ginny Newhart 3. Bill and Camille Cosby 4. Don and Barbara Rickles 5. Dolly Parton and Carl Dean 6. Christopher and Georgianne Walken 7. Susan Lucci and Helmut Huber 8. Regis and Joy Philbin 9. Sissy Spacek and Jack Fisk 10. Ron and Cheryl Howard… Read more
Catherine McNiff 1. Kirk Douglas and Anne Buydens 2. Bob and Ginny Newhart 3. Bill and Camille Cosby 4. Don and Barbara Rickles 5. Dolly Parton and Carl Dean 6. Christopher and Georgianne Walken 7. Susan Lucci and Helmut Huber 8. Regis and Joy Philbin 9. Sissy Spacek and Jack Fisk 10. Ron and Cheryl Howard… Read more
Catherine McNiff 1. Kirk Douglas and Anne Buydens 2. Bob and Ginny Newhart 3. Bill and Camille Cosby 4. Don and Barbara Rickles 5. Dolly Parton and Carl Dean 6. Christopher and Georgianne Walken 7. Susan Lucci and Helmut Huber 8. Regis and Joy Philbin 9. Sissy Spacek and Jack Fisk 10. Ron and Cheryl Howard… Read more