Columbia Encyclopedia

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San Carlos

(Encyclopedia)San Carlos săn kärˈlōs [key], residential city (1990 pop. 26,167), San Mateo co., W Calif.; inc. 1925. The chief manufactures are plastic products, hardware, and machine parts. ...


(Encyclopedia)Colatina ko͝olətēˈnä [key], city, Espiritu Santo state, E central Brazil, on the Doce River. ...

Garth, Sir Samuel

(Encyclopedia)Garth, Sir Samuel, 1661–1719, English poet and physician, b. Yorkshire. He studied medicine at Leiden and Cambridge. His chief work is the satirical poem The Dispensary (1699), in which he advocates...


(Encyclopedia)Hanani hănˈənī, hānāˈ– [key], in the Bible. 1 Chief singer of David. 2 Seer who reproved Asa. Apparently this is the father of Jehu. 3 Governor of Jerusalem. ...


(Encyclopedia)Jahath jāˈhăth [key], in the Bible. 1 Descendant of Gershom. 2 Chief of a Gershonite family. 3 Descendant of Judah. 4 Levite. 5 Temple overseer. ...


(Encyclopedia)Meshillemith –mōth [key]. In the Bible, Ephraimite chief. ...


(Encyclopedia)Dagon dāˈgŏn [key], god of fertility, widely worshiped in the Middle East, particularly in Canaan. In the Bible he is mentioned as one of the chief deities of the Philistines. ...

Dugdale, Sir William

(Encyclopedia)Dugdale, Sir William, 1605–86, English antiquarian. His chief works are Antiquities of Warwickshire (1656), The Baronage of England (1675–76), and the greater part of Monasticon Anglicanum (3 vol....

Libyan Desert

(Encyclopedia)Libyan Desert, northeast part of the Sahara Desert, NE Africa, in SW Egypt, E Libya, and NW Sudan; called the Western Desert in Egypt. It is a region of sand dunes, stony plains, and rocky plateaus. T...

Moscow Basin

(Encyclopedia)Moscow Basin, lignite basin, c.200 mi (320 km) long and 50 mi (80 km) wide, central European Russia, S of Moscow. Tula is the chief city of the region. Low-grade bituminous and lignite coals, suitable...

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