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Brewer's: Walk

(in Hudibras) is Colonel Hewson, so called from Gayton's tract. To walk. This is a remarkable word. It comes from the Anglo-Saxon wealcan (to…

Dick Howser Trophy

Dick Howser Trophy Presented to the College Player of the Year since 1987, by the American Baseball Coaches Association (ABCA) from 1987-98 and the National Collegiate Baseball Writers…

Brewer's: Beef

Ox The former is Norman, and the latter Saxon. The Normans had the cooked meat, and when set before them used the word they were accustomed to. The Saxon was the herdsman, and while the…

Brewer's: Frame of Mind

Disposition. A printer's frame is a stand on which the type is disposed; a founder's frame is a mould into which molten metal is disposed or poured; a weaver's frame is a loom where the…

Black Scholars and Educators

Notable African-American Scholars and Educators   Browse more African-American biographies by category: A-Z List Government Officials Civil Rights Leaders Religious Leaders…

Brewer's: Dyed Beards

The dyeing of beards is mentioned by Strabo, and Bottom the Weaver satirises the custom when he undertakes to play Pyramus, and asks, “what beard were I best to play it in?” “I will…

1 Chronicles: 20

1 Chronicles Chapter 20 1 And it came to pass, that after the year was expired, at the time that kings go out to battle, Joab led forth the power of the army, and wasted the country of the…

1979 Cannes Film Festival

Palme d'OrThe Tin Drum, Volker Schloendorff (Germany)Apocalypse Now, Francis Ford Coppola (United States)Special Jury PrizeSiberaid, Andrei Mikhalkov Kontchalovksy (U.S.S.R.)Best ActorJack…

1953 Emmy Awards

Best Dramatic ProgramU.S. Steel Hour (ABC)Best Male Star of a Regular SeriesDonald O'Connor, Colgate Comedy HourBest Female Star of a Regular SeriesEve Arden, Our Miss BrooksBest Series…