Baron Munchausen: Travels of Baron Munchausen
Updated May 14, 2020 |
Infoplease Staff
Travels of Baron Munchausen
- Preface to the First Edition
- To the Public
- The Baron relates an accoun...
- In which the Baron proves h...
- An encounter between the Ba...
- Reflections on Saint Hubert...
- The effects of great activi...
- The Baron is made a prisone...
- The Baron relates his adven...
- Bathes in the Mediterranean...
- Adventures in Turkey, and u...
- Pays a visit during the sie...
- An interesting account of t...
- The Frolic
- A Trip to the North
- Our Baron excels Baron Tott...
- A further account of the jo...
- This is a very short chapte...
- Voyage eastward-The Baron i...
- A Second Trip to the Moon.
- The Baron crosses the Thame...
- The Baron slips through the...
- Supplement