Lowest Average Annual Precipitation Extremes

Updated June 26, 2019 | Infoplease Staff
ContinentPlace Lowest avg.
Elevation (ft)Years of
World (South America)Arica, Chile0.039559
AfricaWadi Halfa, Sudan<0.1041039
AntarcticaAmundsen-Scott South Pole Station0.8019,18610
North AmericaBatagues, Mexico1.201614
AsiaAden, Yemen1.802250
AustraliaMulka (Troudaninna), South Australia4.05160242
EuropeAstrakhan, Russia6.404525
OceaniaPuako, Hawaii, Hawaii8.93513
1. The value given is the average amount of solid snow accumulating in one year as indicated by snow markers. The liquid content of the snow is undetermined.
2. Approximate elevation.
Source: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Engineer Topographic Laboratories.

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