Pronunciation: (rā'dē-ō"), [key]
— n., pl. adj., v., -di•os, -di•oed, -di•o•ing.
- wireless telegraphy or telephony: speeches broadcast by radio.
- an apparatus for receiving or transmitting radio broadcasts.
- a message transmitted by radio.
- pertaining to, used in, or sent by radio.
- pertaining to or employing radiations, as of electrical energy.
- to transmit (a message, music, etc.) by radio.
- to send a message to (a person) by radio.
- to transmit a message, music, etc., by radio.
- a combining form with the meanings “dealing with radiant energy” (radiometer), “employing or dealing with radio waves” (radioacoustics; radiolocation; radiotelephone), “emitting rays as a result of the breakup of atomic nuclei” (radioactive; radiocarbon), “characterized by, employing or dealing with such rays” (radiography; radiopaque; radiotherapy).
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.