pink: Meaning and Definition of


Pronunciation: (pingk), [key]
— n., adj., -er, -est.
  1. a color varying from light crimson to pale reddish purple.
  2. any of several plants of the genus Dianthus, as the clove pink or carnation. Cf.
  3. the flower of such a plant; carnation.
  4. the highest form or degree; prime: a runner in the pink of condition.
  5. (often cap.) . a person with left-wing, but not extreme, political opinions.
  6. a carbon copy, as of a sales slip or invoice, made on pink tissue paper.
    1. Fox Hunting.Seepink coat.
    2. pinkish-tan gabardine trousers formerly worn by military officers as part of the dress uniform.
  7. the scarlet color of hunting pinks.
  1. of the color pink: pink marble.
  2. . holding, or regarded as holding, mildly leftist views, esp. in politics.
  3. See(def. 8).


Pronunciation: (pingk), [key]
— v.t.
  1. to pierce with a rapier or the like; stab.
  2. to finish at the edge with a scalloped, notched, or other ornamental pattern.
  3. to punch (cloth, leather, etc.) with small holes or figures for ornament.
  4. to adorn or ornament, esp. with scalloped edges or a punched-out pattern.


Pronunciation: (pingk), [key]
— n.
  1. a vessel with a pink stern.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.
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