Pronunciation: (han'dē-kap"), [key]
— n., v., -capped, -cap•ping.
- a race or other contest in which certain disadvantages or advantages of weight, distance, time, etc., are placed upon competitors to equalize their chances of winning.
- the disadvantage or advantage itself.
- any disadvantage that makes success more difficult: The main handicap of our business is lack of capital.
- a physical or mental disability making participation in certain of the usual activities of daily living more difficult.
- to place at a disadvantage; disable or burden: He was handicapped by his injured ankle.
- to subject to a disadvantageous handicap, as a competitor of recognized superiority.
- to assign handicaps to (competitors).
- He handicapped the Yankees at 2-to-1 to take the series from the Cardinals.
- to attempt to predict the winner of (a contest, esp. a horse race), as by comparing past performances of the contestants.
- to assign odds for or against (any particular contestant) to win a contest or series of contests:He handicapped the Yankees at 2-to-1 to take the series from the Cardinals.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.