dream: Meaning and Definition of


Pronunciation: (drēm), [key]
— n., v., adj. dreamed dreamt, dream•ing,
  1. a succession of images, thoughts, or emotions passing through the mind during sleep.
  2. the sleeping state in which this occurs.
  3. an object seen in a dream.
  4. an involuntary vision occurring to a person when awake.
  5. a vision voluntarily indulged in while awake; daydream; reverie.
  6. an aspiration; goal; aim: A trip to Europe is his dream.
  7. a wild or vain fancy.
  8. something of an unreal beauty, charm, or excellence.
  1. to have a dream.
  2. to indulge in daydreams or reveries: He dreamed about vacation plans when he should have been working.
  3. to think or conceive of something in a very remote way (usually fol. by of&hasp;): I wouldn't dream of asking them.
  1. to see or imagine in sleep or in a vision.
  2. to imagine as if in a dream; fancy; suppose.
  3. to pass or spend (time) in dreaming (often fol. by away): to dream away the afternoon.
  4. to form in the imagination; devise: They dreamed up the most impossible plan.
  1. most desirable; ideal: a dream vacation.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.
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