has been held as a sacred festival by numberless nations.
Christians hold December 25th as the anniversary of the birth of Jesus. China on the same day celebrates the birth of Buddha, son of Mâa. (Bunsen. Druids held during the winter solstice the festival of Nolagh. (Higgins. Egypt held that Horus, son of Isis, was born towards the close of December (Le Clerk de Septehenes. Greece celebrated in the winter solstice the birth of Demeer (Cercs), Dionyos (Bacchus), and Herakle (Hercules).
India. Numerous Indian tribes keep Yuletide as a religious festival. (Monier Williams. Mexïco holds in the winter solstice the festival of Capacrame (History of the Indies, vol. ii. p. 354.) Persia at the same period honours the birth of Mithras. (Gross.)
Rome celebrated on December 25th the festival “Natais Solis Invicta Scandinavia held at Yuletide the festival called Jul, in honour of Freya, wife of Odin.” Source: Dictionary of Phrase and Fable, E. Cobham Brewer, 1894