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(2 syl.). Called by Drayton Thuly. Pliny, Solinus, and Mela take it for Iceland. Pliny says, “It is an island in the Northern Ocean discovered by Pytheas, after sailing six days from the Orcades.” Others, like Camden, consider it to be Shetland, still called Thylens-el (isle of Thyle) by seamen, in which opinion they agree with Marinus, and the descriptions of Ptolemy and Tacitus. Bochart says it is a Syrian word, and that the Phoenician merchants who traded to the group called it Gezirat Thule (isles of darkness). Its certain etymology is unknown; it may possibly be the Gothic Tiule, meaning the “most remote land,” and connected with the Greek telos (the end).
Where the Northern Ocean, in vast whirls, Boils round the naked melancholy isles Of farthest Thule.
Ultima Thule. The end of the world; the last extremity. Thule was the most northern point known to the ancient Romans.
“Tibi serviat Ultnna Thule.” Virgil: Georgics, i. 30.
“Peshawar cantonment is the Ultima Thule of British India.” —Nineteenth Century. Oct., 1893, p. 533.
Thumb When a gladiator was vanquished it rested with the spectators to decide whether he should be slain or not. If they wished him to live, they shut up their thumbs in their fists (police compresso favor judicabatur); if to be slain, they turned out their thumbs. Adam, in his Roman Antiquities (p. 287), says, “If they wished him to be saved, they pressed down their thumbs; if to be slain, they turned up [held out] their thumbs.” (Pliny, xxviii. 2; Juvenal, iii. 36; Horace: 1 Epist., xviii. 66.)
It is not correct to say, if they wished the man to live they held their thumbs downwards; if to be slain, they held their thumbs upwards. “Police compressio” means to hold their thumbs close.
Where, influenced by the rabble's bloody will, With thumbs bent back, they popularly kill.
By the pricking of my thumbs, something wicked this way comes. Another proverb says, “My little finger told me that.” When your ears turn hot and red, it is to indicate that someone is speaking about you. When a sudden fit of “shivering” occurs, it is because someone is treading on the place which is to form your grave. When the eye itches, it indicates the visit of a friend. When the palm itches, it shows that a present will shortly be received. When the bones ache, it prognosticates a coming storm. Plautus says, “Timeo quod rerum gesserim hic ita dorsus totils prurit.” (Miles Gloriosus.) All these and many similar superstitions rest on the notion that “coming events cast their shadows before,” because our “angel,” ever watchful, forewarns us that we may be prepared. Sudden pains and prickings are the warnings of evil on the road; sudden glows and pleasurable sensations are the couriers to tell us of joy close at hand. These superstitions are relics of demonology and witchcraft.
In ancient Rome the angurs took special notice of the palpitation of the heart, the flickering of the eye and the pricking of the thumb. In regard to the last, if the pricking was on the left hand it was considered a very bad sign, indicating mischief at hand.
“I see Contempt marching forth, giving mee the fico with his thombe in his mouth.” —Wits Miserie (1596).
“I will bite my thump at them; which is a disgrace to them, if they bear it.” —Shakespeare: Romeo and Juliet, i. 1.
Wel cowde he stele and tollen thries, And yet he had a thomb of gold parde [was what is called an `honest miller'].
Canterbury Tales (Prologue, 565)
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