Top Search Providers

Updated August 28, 2020 | Infoplease Staff
Share of
1. Google 4,400,561 55.5%
2. Yahoo! 1,490,129 18.8
3. MSN 1,093,696 13.8
4. AOL 292,172 3.7
5. 229,739 2.9
6. My Web 97,595 1.2%
7. Comcast 46,450 0.6
8. SBC Yellow Pages 23,758 0.3
9. 20,827 0.3
10. NexTag 19,067 0.2
Source: Nielsen//Net Ratings MegaView Search, October 2007.

Online Consumer Spending by Product, 2002-2004 Internet Statistics and Resources Internet Resource Guide
Internet Statistics and Resources
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