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From our dictionary:
—adj.der'u•git, -gAt"),
—v., -gat•ed, -gat•ing,
1. to detract, as from authority, estimation, etc. (usually fol. by from).
2. to stray in character or conduct; degenerate (usually fol. by from).
—adj.der'u•git, -gAt"),
—v., -gat•ed, -gat•ing,
1. to detract, as from authority, estimation, etc. (usually fol. by from).
2. to stray in character or conduct; degenerate (usually fol. by from).
1. to disparage or belittle.
2. Archaic. to take away (a part) so as to impair the whole. —adj.
1. Archaic. debased.