Synonyms of knit


1. knit, fabric, cloth, material, textile

usage: a fabric made by knitting

2. knit, knit stitch, plain, plain stitch, knitting stitch

usage: a basic knitting stitch

3. knit, knitting, knitwork, needlework, needlecraft

usage: needlework created by interlacing yarn in a series of connected loops using straight eyeless needles or by machine


1. knit, create from raw material, create from raw stuff

usage: make (textiles) by knitting; "knit a scarf"

2. knit, entwine, join, conjoin

usage: tie or link together

3. pucker, rumple, cockle, crumple, knit, wrinkle, ruckle, crease, crinkle, scrunch, scrunch up, crisp

usage: to gather something into small wrinkles or folds; "She puckered her lips"

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Definition and meaning of knit (Dictionary)