Quiz: J.R.R. Tolkien
The Hobbit received which prize in 1938?
Tolkien fought in the trenches during World War I. He lost his two closest friends in which famous battle:
Tolkien taught at all but one of these universities. Which university did he not teach at?
- Tolkien taught at Leeds for 5 years and was a professor of Anglo-Saxon at Oxford for 34 years.
One of Tolkien's closest friends, a man whose mannerisms are gently echoed by Fangorn the ent, was:
- Tolkien and Lewis frequently met to read from their works and argue literature, mythology, and theology.
Tolkien wrote the opening sentence of The Hobbit while:
Tolkien was a notorious luddite who never owned a:
In addition to The Hobbit, The Lord of the Rings, and The Silmarillion, Tolkien wrote many other stories. Which of the following takes place in Middle-earth:
- Tom Bombadil is the enigmatic figure who rescues the hobbits from Old Man Willow and the barrow-wights in The Lord of the Rings.
Tolkien identified his relationship with his wife, Edith, with which pair of Middle-earth lovers?
- J.R.R. and Edith Tolkien were married for 55 years. Tolkien was inspired to begin the story of Luthien after seeing Edith dancing in a forest.
Tolkien's first love was philology. He developed numerous languages and dialects for the peoples of Middle-earth. The most developed of these languages is:
- Tolkien based his elven languages (there are several) on Welsh and Finnish.
Who did Tolkien refer to as the "fauna of Mordor"?
- Tolkien actually appreciated his fans and often wrote back to them. The late-night phone calls asking about Sindarin declensions, or whether or not the balrog had wings, however, were a different story!
Tolkien worked on The Lord of the Rings for:
Tolkien's first published book was:
- A Middle English Vocabulary was published in 1922.