Breadcrumb Home > Primary Sources > Poetry > Modern Verse > Francis Carlin: The Provinces Francis Carlin: The Provinces Updated September 23, 2019 | Infoplease Staff The ProvincesFrancis CarlinO God that I May arise with the Gael To the song in the sky Over Inisfail!Ulster, your dark Mold for me; Munster, a lark Hold for me!Connaght, a `caoine' Croon for me; Lienster, a mean Stone for me!O God that I May arise with the Gael To the song in the sky Over Inisfail! Edward J. O'Brien: The Last Piper The Second Book of Modern Verse George Sterling: Omnium Exeunt in Mysterium .com/t/poetry/modern-verse/provinces.html Sources + Our Common Sources See also: Francis Carlin: Beyond Rathkelly TrendingHere are the facts and trivia that people are buzzing about. Jewish Holidays, 2010-2030 (A.M. 5770-5791) Western Christian Holidays, 2010-2030 12 Steps to a New Year New Year's Resolution to Slim Down? Martin Luther King Speeches Books of the Bible: Old Testament Books in Order ✖
Updated September 23, 2019 | Infoplease Staff The ProvincesFrancis CarlinO God that I May arise with the Gael To the song in the sky Over Inisfail!Ulster, your dark Mold for me; Munster, a lark Hold for me!Connaght, a `caoine' Croon for me; Lienster, a mean Stone for me!O God that I May arise with the Gael To the song in the sky Over Inisfail! Edward J. O'Brien: The Last Piper The Second Book of Modern Verse George Sterling: Omnium Exeunt in Mysterium .com/t/poetry/modern-verse/provinces.html Sources + Our Common Sources