English units of measurement: Units of Dry Measure
Units of Dry Measure
For dry measure, or dry capacity, the basic unit is the bushel, which is divided into 4 pecks, 32 dry quarts, or 64 dry pints. The U.S. bushel, or Winchester bushel, is 2,150.42 cu in. and is about 3% smaller than the British imperial bushel of 2,219.36 cu in., with a similar difference existing between U.S. and British subdivisions. The barrel is a unit for measuring the capacity of larger quantities and has various legal definitions depending on the quantity being measured, the most common value being 105 dry quarts.
Sections in this article:
- Introduction
- Differences between American and British Systems
- Units of Dry Measure
- Units of Liquid Measure
- Units of Length and Area
- Units of Weight
- Bibliography
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