juggle: Meaning and Definition of


Pronunciation: ( jug'ul), [key]
— v., n. -gled, -gling,
  1. to keep (several objects, as balls, plates, tenpins, or knives) in continuous motion in the air simultaneously by tossing and catching.
  2. to hold, catch, carry, or balance precariously; almost drop and then catch hold again: The center fielder juggled the ball but finally made the catch.
  3. to alter or manipulate in order to deceive, as by subterfuge or trickery: to juggle the business accounts; to juggle the facts.
  4. to manage or alternate the requirements of (two or more tasks, responsibilities, activities, etc.) so as to handle each adequately: to juggle the obligations of job and school.
  1. to perform feats of manual or bodily dexterity, as tossing up and keeping in continuous motion a number of balls, plates, knives, etc.
  2. to use artifice or trickery.
  1. the act or fact of juggling.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.
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