enamel: Meaning and Definition of


Pronunciation: (i-nam'ul), [key]
— n., v., -eled, -el•ing -elled, -el•ling.
  1. a glassy substance, usually opaque, applied by fusion to the surface of metal, pottery, etc., as an ornament or for protection.
  2. enamelware.
  3. any of various varnishes, paints, coatings, etc., drying to a hard, glossy finish.
  4. any enamellike surface with a bright luster.
  5. an artistic work executed in enamel.
  6. the hard, glossy, calcareous covering of the crown of a tooth, containing only a slight amount of organic substance. See diag. under
  1. to inlay or overlay with enamel.
  2. to form an enamellike surface upon: to enamel cardboard.
  3. to decorate as with enamel; variegate with colors.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.
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