crunch: Meaning and Definition of


Pronunciation: (krunch), [key]
— v.t.
  1. to crush with the teeth; chew with a crushing noise.
  2. to crush or grind noisily.
  3. to tighten or squeeze financially: The administration's policy seems to crunch the economy in order to combat inflation.
  1. to chew with a crushing sound.
  2. to produce, or proceed with, a crushing noise.
    1. to perform a great many numerical calculations or extensive manipulations of numerical data.
    2. to process a large amount of data.
  1. an act or sound of crunching.
  2. a shortage or reduction of something needed or wanted: the energy crunch.
  3. distress or depressed conditions due to such a shortage or reduction: a budget crunch.
  4. a critical or dangerous situation: When the crunch comes, just do your best.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.
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