Pronunciation: (chum), [key]
— n., v., chummed, chum•ming.
- a close or intimate companion: boyhood chums.
- a roommate, as at college.
- to associate closely.
- to share a room or rooms with another, esp. in a dormitory at a college or prep school.
Pronunciation: (chum), [key]
— n., v., chummed, chum•ming.
- cut or ground bait dumped into the water to attract fish to the area where one is fishing.
- fish refuse or scraps discarded by a cannery.
- to fish by attracting fish by dumping cut or ground bait into the water.
- to dump chum into (a body of water) so as to attract fish.
- to lure (fish) with chum: They chummed the fish with hamburger.
Pronunciation: (chum), [key]
— n.
- See
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.