chancery: Meaning and Definition of


Pronunciation: (chan'su-rē, chän'-), [key]
— pl. -cer•ies.
  1. the office or department of a chancellor; chancellery.
  2. an office of public records, esp. those of the Lord Chancellor in England.
  3. (in England) the Lord Chancellor's court, now a division of the High Court of Justice.
    1. Also calledcourt of chancery.a court having jurisdiction in equity; court of equity.
    2. equity (defs. 3a, b).
  4. the administrative office of a diocese.
  5. a department of the Curia Romana now having the responsibility for issuing bulls to establish new dioceses, benefices, etc.
    1. litigation in a court of chancery.
    2. Wrestling,Boxing.(of a contestant's head) held under an opponent's arm.
    3. in a helpless or embarrassing position.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.
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