chain: Meaning and Definition of


Pronunciation: (chān), [key]
  1. to fasten or secure with a chain: to chain a dog to a post.
  2. to confine or restrain: His work chained him to his desk.
  3. to measure (a distance on the ground) with a chain or tape.
  4. to link (related items, as records in a file or portions of a program) together, esp. so that items can be run in sequence.
  5. to make (a chain stitch or series of chain stitches), as in crocheting.
  1. to form or make a chain.


Pronunciation: (chān), [key]
  1. 1906–79, English biochemist, born in Germany: Nobel prize for medicine 1945.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.
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