Pronunciation: (chāf), [key]
— v., n. chafed, chaf•ing,
- to wear or abrade by rubbing: He chafed his shoes on the rocks.
- to make sore by rubbing: Her collar chafed her neck.
- to irritate; annoy: The dripping of the faucet chafed her nerves.
- to warm by rubbing: to chafe cold hands.
- to heat; make warm.
- to become worn or sore from rubbing: His neck began to chafe from the starched collar.
- to rub; press with friction: The horse chafed against his stall.
- to be irritated or annoyed: He chafed at their constant interruptions.
- to become impatient at delay: The work was going very slowly, and he began to chafe at the bit.
- irritation; annoyance.
- heat, wear, or soreness caused by rubbing.
Random House Unabridged Dictionary, Copyright © 1997, by Random House, Inc., on Infoplease.